Chances are, if you’ve landed here, we share something important in common. We’ve both been deeply impacted by bullying.
- Maybe you’re a teen who struggles to fit in and you feel like your classmates look down on you. Maybe you’re worried you might be a bully or the person who wanted to help but didn’t because you were afraid.
- Are you a parent who can’t stand one more day of watching your child suffer or have you been told that your child is the bully?
- Perhaps you’re a teacher, administrator or counselor who’s feeling frustrated by the pain you witness.
- Are you an adult dreading a high school reunion?
No matter who you identify with above, I promise you’ve come to the right place. Someone does understand. That someone is me. Take my hand.
In Person Presentations at Your School
Offering an innovative, deeply personal approach to bullying and peer abuse.
Jodee’s Impact
A Personal Message
For the past two decades, since the release of my memoir, The New York Times bestseller, Please Stop Laughing at Me… I’ve been traveling to schools sharing my story to motivate change and have spoken to thousands of students, teachers and parents in hundreds of communities. I work with schools on all forms of bullying from digital, cyber and traditional to exclusion, parent-on-parent and culturally motivated bullying.
I’m one of the first voices of the anti-bullying movement, having dedicated myself to this issue two decades before it was on the public or media’s radar. Whether I’m presenting in-person or virtually, my goal is to guide every school that I work with to a place of deeper tolerance, compassion and hope.
My anti-bullying program is called INJJA (It’s NOT Just Joking Around!™) and consists of age-appropriate live presentations, professional development, and SEL (Social Emotional Learning) curricula. If you’re interested in bringing me to your school, click here or email and please include your contact info so I may follow up right away.
I also address parent bullying, assist schools with enlightened communication practices and crisis management as well as keynote educational conferences and conventions.
I also do consulting services for principals and superintendents on anti-bullying policies and procedures, disruption preparedness, the school/parent partnership and communications strategies/expectation management. For more info, click here.
Welcome to new possibilities.
With Respect and Enthusiasm,